Need Help? Email us at [email protected]
Need Help? Email us at [email protected]
Learning about self love and empowerment is one thing... Walking alongside Kecia as you fall deeply in love with YOU in order to change your life with her proven techniques and strategies that she has applied to transform her life from unfulfilled to amazing... Well, that is quite another
Who Is The Lovers Inner Circle for?

Monthly EBooks
You'll get Monthly EBooks and Articles delivered to your email. You'll walk behind-the-scenes with me as I show you the strategies I've applied in life in the last 30 days...so you can do the same 🙂

Live Event
You'll receive a free ticket to an event for The Lovers Inner Circle where we collaborate, share stories and inspire our way to a most desirable lifestyle. These incredible, inspiring and action-focused events will leave you refreshed and buzzing, excited for your adventure that lies ahead...
They’ll also give you practical, powerful steps and strategies that you will start working on with us in the room to help you live your best life, start working on your personal goals, and taking massive imperfect steps that illuminate your choice to love you first and basically just become the bad ass that you are!

Live Coaching Calls
You'll have access to our twice monthly members-only "Live Coaching Calls" where you have access to Kecia and her team of lifestyle coaches to answer any strategic questions you may have.
Enjoy the security and support of having Kecia in your corner LIVE twice every month for advice, support, trouble-shooting and HOT tips...there truly is nothing holding you back from building a successful lifestyle where you are deeply in love with you.

Access To Over $7,000 of Kecia's Courses
Each month, as an Inner Circle Member, you're able to access a course of Kecia's complimentary for as long as you're a member! This includes the Perfect Partner Project, the Divorce Project and more....
With a library of courses valued at over $7,000.00 USD, you'll have all the training and tools you need at your fingertips around the clock.

Private Facebook Group
The Lovers Inner Circle Facebook Group is an exclusive private group for those participating in the Lovers Inner Circle Program. This is the perfect place to discuss your progress in the self love journey, and to celebrate the wins- the choices that reflect love of self!
You'll make life-long friends and be able to be cheered on in your self love journey 🙂
Don't Go It Alone
Too many women embark on this journey alone, trying to sift through hundreds of self love books and strategies to start making the right life choices that reflect a love of self.
As a result of all this trial and error, they end up running out of time, passion, confidence or faith in themselves.
After seeing this happen to too many women, Kecia decided to create an opportunity to learn directly from her most successful strategies every month with a personal, done-with-you, fast-tracked 'loving' experience...
All to give you the most desirable, supportive, powerful and fabulous lifestyle.
This isn't just another online course...
This is a high-end mastermind for serious Lovers.

Exclusively For Serious Lovers Only

Ready to Start "Loving"?
Tired of the helping others so much you feel drained? Tired of putting off your dreams to support others?
Ever wish that you could just have focus, direction and clarity so you can spend your time doing the
things that you love so that you can have the greatest success in all aspects of your life?
Imagine an opportunity to watch over Kecia’s shoulder every single month and have her support,
mentorship and guidance...
No more doubt, no more confusion..
Just the exact steps you need to take from a female who's been there and practices what she preaches
Do I Qualify?
Here are the basic requirements if you'd like to register..
Are You Ready To Make the Rest of
Your Life the Best of Your Life??

If you are a good fit for the Lovers Inner Circle and your application is approved..
We have a 30 Day Cancellation Policy..absolutely no locked-in contracts!
No hard feelings, no questions asked.
Just email [email protected] with 30 days notice and we will cancel your membership for you.
If you do decide to join The Lovers Inner Circle, it will likely change your business and life forever.